
Nothing Can Take Away Your Value

This week, Dr. Melodye Hilton shares with you how valuable you are. No matter what you have experienced, no matter what has been spoken over you or how many times you’ve been broken apart and stepped on, absolutely nothing in life can take away your true value. Listen as one young man discovered this truth and how you can start embracing your unmistakable value today.

Nothing Can Take Away Your Value Video Blog

Just Be You and Do it For Him

So often, we are deceived into believing that what we have is not good enough. We convince ourselves that our contribution is less than and that someone else is better for the job. As I was shaking in my boots before an audience of high-level influencers, the Lord spoke to me something that became a defining moment of my life. Just as the Lord spoke to me, you too, can just be you and do it for Him!

Just Be You and Do it For Him Video Blog

Sons and Daughters of the King

When a child of God knows, experiences and lives as a child of the King, his/her influence becomes evident in the mere fact of being him/herself. Experiencing the love of God offers us security in terms of whose we are and who we are. Accepting and remaining in God's love is not a one-time decision. It is a daily decision that is continually cultivated.

Sons and Daughters of the King

Are Your Thoughts Assets or Liabilities?

Each one of us have to ask ourselves and determine: Are my thoughts assets or liabilities? Will they produce life or will they produce death? Are they empowering me or sabotaging me? God is inviting us to come and embrace His thoughts and His ways. When our thoughts align with God's thoughts, Heaven's realities become ours. The only way that we can change our world is by changing our thinking. The Bible calls this renewing our mind. So today, I challenge you to think about what you're thinking about and align your thoughts with Heaven.

Are Your Thoughts Assets or Liabilities?

Fear or Conquest

God's plan for our lives is always for good and growth, and His plans are not to destroy us (Jeremiah 29:11). But there is a big difference between seeing the next season with eyes of conquest and seeing it with eyes of fear. When God shows us where He wants to take us, it is a place that He has already provided victory in. He leads us from victory to victory.

Fear or Conquest

Powerful People Choose Peace

Powerful people change what they can and choose peace in what they cannot.

One day, someone called me up and wanted to inform me that someone was gossiping about me. They wanted me to be aware of what was being said. In times past, I may have allowed them to share and wanted to know. But what good would that have done? You see, I am powerless to change another person. All that I can do is make a choice within myself. I cannot change them, but I can choose to set my heart right before my God and to honor those around me.

Powerful People Choose Peace by Dr. Melodye Hilton

Close Enough to Make a Difference

Are you close enough to make a difference? We are all called to positively effect our world. In the process, we can become disappointed, discouraged, and rejected. Listen as Dr. Melodye shares of a time of personal pain and betrayal when the Lord spoke to her something that became a defining moment of her life.

Every one of us have a choice to either walk in the fear of being hurt or to trust that the risk of making a difference will be met with the grace to walk in victory, no matter what comes our way.

Close Enough to Make a Difference Video Still of Dr. Melodye Hilton

Faithfulness and Calling

We see very important people in the world, in positions of government or owners of large companies that work with corruption and abuse and still have "success" in the eyes of the people. David was prepared where nobody saw him, with the sheep and fighting against bears and lions, before fighting against Goliath. It is not what we see, but the motivation of the heart and the call of God on each person.

Faithfulness and Calling

Prosperity in All Things

Prosperity and freedom work together. Prosperity comes from the inside and we experience this truth with freedom. We can prosper in everything as we experience more and more freedom through the Holy Spirit. Prosperity is not just financial; it is a condition of our soul where we experience our life from the chair of a queen or king with confidence, power and freedom for the good of others.

Royalty Purpose and Destiny Cover Image



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