Fear or Conquest
In Numbers 13, we read that Caleb went in to explore the land as leader of the tribe of Judah. Caleb looked through the eyes of conquest and saw victory. The others looked through the eyes of fear and only saw defeat. In verse, 30 the people began to murmur but Caleb ordered them to be silent and said, “Let us go up at once and occupy it, for we are well able to overcome it.”
However, the others who had gone with Caleb spoke words of discouragement to the Israelites, naming all the obstacles that would be in their way. Numbers 14:24 says that because Caleb had a different spirit and followed God fully, he would be brought into the land and his descendants would possess it. Caleb saw the promised land as good, with good fruit, and with eyes looking at the expectation of conquest.
With whom do you identify with the most? Caleb? Or with the people that were with him?
It is time to believe and decide that you are a person of conquest. With Jesus, we carry the most powerful presence in the world. We are more than conquerors and everything that we experience depends on the perspective we have. That is why our mind must be renewed with the word of God (Rom12: 2), with His truth about us, and not with what we see in fear or what others say in fear.
Today is the day to repent of any pessimistic attitude and decide to walk as a victor in Him.
Father, forgive me for believing lies about my life and my future. I repent today for taking a pessimistic attitude and I break the agreement and the power of discouragement, negativity, and fear over me today and for my next season, in the name of Jesus. I receive Your forgiveness and I decide to walk in faith in the plans You have for me as a person of conquest. Help me to have a different spirit, just as Caleb experienced. I am more than a conqueror in You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
After having an encounter with the Holy Spirit through a dream in April 2016, Dayanna experienced the heart of the Father, leading her to walk in the revelation of sonship in radical way. Because of this, she started a project called “Royalty – You have a Purpose & Destiny” in stewardship of this truth.
Want even more on this topic? Listen to this powerful message from Pastor Joel Hilton.