Nothing Can Take Away Your Value
Nothing can take away your value.
Today, I want you to know how valuable you are! I want you to know that nothing in life can take away your value.
The Bible says that when we compare ourselves to one another, it isn’t wise. (2 Corinthians 10:12) When we walk in comparison, we will either see ourselves as more than someone, which is pride, or less than someone, which is shame.
One day I was in a public school in Washington D.C. There was a young man there and I just knew that he was in a struggle with his identity. During my teaching, I asked him, “Would you like this twenty-dollar bill?” Of course, he responded, “sure.” But before I gave it to him, I crumbled it all up and I began to speak angrily at the money saying things like, “You’re no good. You’ll never amount to anything. You’re not worth the paper you’re printed on.” I threw the bill on the floor and stomped all over it. Then I picked it up and I asked him, “Do you still want it?” He said, “Yes.” Why? Because it still holds its value.
In that moment, I said to that young man what I am saying to you right now: No matter what has been spoken over you or even what you have spoken over yourself; no matter what has happened to you or how many times it felt like you were crumbled up and thrown to the ground and stepped on. No matter what, NOTHING can take away your value.
I pray for you that you would recognize the value that you hold; that you would arise and discover the beauty of what you carry inside, and that God’s hand is upon you mightily. No matter what you’ve experienced, you hold your value. I pray that from this place of knowing your worth, that you would then begin to generate value in the lives of others.
God bless you,
Dr. Melodye Hilton works with individuals and workgroups around the globe as a leadership consultant, behavioral analyst, and personal coach. Her recognition extends over all ages, socio-economic, and educational backgrounds through her work in corporate and local business, government, and public and private educational sectors.
She, alongside her husband, pioneered Giving Light Christian Fellowship in Elizabethville, PA. Over 35 years later, they continue to see God’s hand at work within the vision to “equip all ages to discover destiny and activate purpose for local and global Kingdom impact.” Dr. Melodye is ordained and under the oversight of Christian International Apostolic Network (CIAN) founded by Bishop Bill Hamon. She and her husband, Steven, serve on the board of governors to Christian International.
In 2002, she founded International Training Center, which continues to expand with a passion to equip and empower emerging and established leaders. In addition, she has established the Voice of Justice Foundation to be a voice of hope, hands of rescue, and an instrument of justice on behalf of the neglected, abused, or shamed. Dr. Melodye travels nationally and internationally ministering, training, consulting, and coaching. She has two grown children and three active grandchildren.