Sons and Daughters of the King
When a child of God knows, experiences and lives as a child of the King, his/her influence becomes evident in the mere fact of being him/herself.
Experiencing the love of God offers us security in terms of whose we are and who we are. Accepting and remaining in God’s love is not a one-time decision. It is a daily decision that is continually cultivated.
We are at a crucial time in history where God is raising up leaders to take their place, their position, and to influence society. God does not want heavy-laden employees that just work for Him. The desire of God is that Heaven be manifested through the hearts of His children here on Earth—His sons and daughters reflecting the Father’s heart.
As Jesus said in John 14:9:
“He who has seen me has seen the Father.”
It is the same with us. Jesus is our role model in the works He did, but He is also our example in the way He interacted with His Father. Jesus came to reveal the Father as a SON! That changes the atmosphere where we are. We are His sons and daughters chosen by Him to be kings with Him (1 Peter 2:9) and ruling with Him. (2 Corinthians 5:20). Being children of the King implies that our identity is a complete manifestation of His heart.
When we discover what He planned for us with Him, we begin to live a life with purpose. We begin discovering what we were created for—in freedom and without fear—because His love becomes tangible, deep, and alive in us. It is more than just words.
I pray that while you read this, the revelation of sonship increases in your life in the name of Jesus. Lord, I ask you to give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to know you better, just as Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:17. Amen.
After having an encounter with the Holy Spirit through a dream in April 2016, Dayanna experienced the heart of the Father, leading her to walk in the revelation of sonship in radical way. Because of this, she started a project called “Royalty – You have a Purpose & Destiny” in stewardship of this truth.