Feb 23, 2016 | Joel Hilton, The Psalmist Series
As the Day by Joel Hilton | The Psalmist Series https://www.givinglight.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/As-the-Day-Psalmist-Series.mp3 While spending time with the Lord recently, I began meditating on what it means to have confident rest. Rest really isn’t a...
Feb 16, 2016 | Joel Hilton, Sermon Highlights, Workbench
COMPELLED BY PURPOSE “My internal temperature should create my external climate.” “We were created with a function for a greater purpose. Anything outside of that function is dysfunction.” "Unfulfillment comes down to the fact that you're not being filled.” Compelled...
Jan 19, 2016 | Joel Hilton, Sermon Highlights, Workbench
PRESS INTO THE DIRT “It’s time to take the seed (who we are) and invest it, plant it, and press into what we know is good soil.” “The days of uncertainty and second guessing are coming to an end. This is not because the circumstances have changed, but because we have...
Nov 18, 2015 | Joel Hilton, Sermon Highlights, Workbench
WHEN FEAR DISGUISES ITSELF AS EXPERIENCE "The ultimate goal of discouragement is to cause you to lose courage or resolution." "To combat discouragement, you must go where you’re called!" "We are created for the tension between what is possible and impossible." LISTEN...
May 20, 2015 | Joel Hilton, The Psalmist Series
Worship is cultured in the heart, defined in our response, and expressed in many ways. The Psalmist Series is a collection of posts by worshipers dedicated to various and creative ways of expressing worship. I was recently given an assignment to begin...