The Pains of Growth
“Mom, my shoes are too small! My feet hurt! My toes are squished.”
This came to my mind recently while thinking about seasons of growth in life. Sometimes the “shoes” all the sudden don’t fit as our feet develop, change, and grow. This can create discomfort and eventually discomfort can lead to pain if we do not respond and/or give attention to the change happening with our feet. They are growing! I’ve discovered in situations like this it can be easy to…
1) React and get mad at “the SHOES.” That is until we remember that it is our feet that grew, the shoes didn’t. Shoes are designed to support our feet only for a specific stage of God’s purpose.
2) React and get frustrated with our FEET. But God has designed our feet as beautiful with a beautiful purpose to carry His greatness in the earth in a unique way. The only way to discover that purpose and walk it out is to receive it and God’s design in it.
3) React and get frustrated with GOD in designing our feet to grow… again! But how brilliant His plan for us and all humanity as we partner with His design and embrace His wisdom and His ways!
That leaves us with another option we all know so well, a better option – CHANGE. God leads us from strength to strength, glory to glory, and one level to the next level. I’ve heard it said before that, “change happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change.” (Tony Robbins) Though growth and change can bring about discomfort and be stretching (sometimes to the extreme), I truly believe there can be freedom in the process as we learn to change and adapt, giving HONOR to what’s occurring internally by God’s Spirit and design and allowing that to shape our choices in the external. This is what determines the “shoes” we wear.
Change is actually one of the very tools God has designed with the heart and purpose to build us up, equip us, strengthen us, and EMPOWER us. In fact, change may just be part of the reality of God’s response to our prayers.
I believe firmly that every single person can walk with vision and assurance regardless of the internal and external shifting that can come in seasons of growth and change. Here are some keys that came to mind and have been a blessing to me as well:
C – Challenge yourself to take new steps in new territory
H – Hold on to God’s promises and Word to you and trust His leading
A – Allow God’s hand to work in you and around you
N – Never look back with regret, but gratitude
G – Grow by embracing the season of transition and transformation (not resisting it)
E – Expect miracles from a miracle working God – the best is yet to come.
Another foundation to experiencing freedom in seasons of extreme growth and change is our openness to see it through our Father’s eyes, especially in the real and gritty of every day, and embrace HIS vision (new mindsets and heartsets). Through His eyes and by His supernatural grace we can…
1) Value our stages of growth! There is something truly beautiful in EACH stage.
2) Value others’ stages of growth. EACH stage holds intrinsic beauty and worth just as each person does.
3) Value the stages of growth that we take together as relational units (family, marriage, friends, etc). Though stretching it can be a healthy and utterly beautiful encounter of God’s GRACE weaving together what only He can in our connections and relationships.
In closing, I pray Isaiah 41:18 over each person reading this as you walk forward on road to which Jesus has called you and embrace His process of growth and maturation:
“I (God) will open up rivers for them on the high plateaus. I will give them fountains of water in the valleys. I will fill the desert with pools of water. Rivers fed by springs will flow across the parched ground.” (NLT)
“Father God, I ask You to show me the shoes you desire me to walk in, in this season. I ask You to super-infuse me with Your grace and power to EMBRACE what You are doing and releasing… even in shifting, shaking and “growth spurts.” I know that You ARE the solid rock I stand on in every season. In the Name of Jesus I decree new things being birthed and released in the earth and in my God-designated arenas of authority as it has been purposed in heaven. I thank You Lord for Your provision in the process of change to see this happen and for teaching us to see as You see as we partner with You in each season. May we embrace Your value system, Jesus, above all others and be enabled to walk and abide in it. In Jesus Name, amen.”
Blessings to you each!
Hi! My name is Cherise Krum. I reside in Catawissa, Pennsylvania surrounded by mountains and farmland where the four distinct seasons exist in FULL! I was born and raised in this area with my growing family and have served both in the local church and marketplace arenas for much of my life. I value music, family, heart connections with others and am a passionate fruit lover resulting from growing up at a family orchard and farm market.
In 2009 the Holy Spirit unexpectedly invaded my world a year after graduating from college while working in International Logistics for a local business. A few short months later this small-town girl found herself in Dallas, Texas at Christ for the Nations Institute. While there, God turned my world upside down and imparted a deep hunger for Him, His Presence, and a heart to carry His Presence and goodness to a world He dearly loves. This desire has become a core life passion and continues to grow stronger through varied arenas and seasons in life.
I thoroughly enjoy communicating basic heart truths from personal, everyday interactions with God in a way that inspires and instills greater freedom and desire in others to know Daddy God and His heart more. I love releasing passionate worship through music and dance, as well as releasing His heart through intercession. My desire and prayer is that you are BLESSED and EMPOWERED in the areas God has called you to and that the words shared here may simply plant seeds of His life and greatness in you.