My Body
Speaking life over your bodySpeak life over your body. These statements were handcrafted to declare God’s Word over your body, to bless it, call it to health, and to function according to true design. Find a printable link below, hang it by your mirror, and remember that you were knit together in your mother’s womb as a unique treasure to be cherished, valued, and loved.
I am hungry and thirsty for all that is holy and pure. Matthew 5:16
My heart cries for the lost and broken. My cry reaches the Father’s heart and many are healed and won to Jesus. Hebrews 5:7; Psalms 34:15; 2 Peter 3:9
I have within me the heart of an evangelist. The fields are ready for harvest and I will pursue the lost to bring them into the Kingdom of God. Mark 16:15; John 4:35-38; Isaiah 6:8
I open my heart to good and push away evil. I remove from me evil and bad company for I am established in righteousness. Romans 12:21; Romans 16:19; 1 Corinthians 15:33; Colossians 1:23
I learn easily and retain knowledge as well as grow in wisdom, for I have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16
My mind is made new day by day as God’s Word is brought in. His word is a mighty sword that I use to defeat the enemy. God’s Word is all truth, it never changes, and I trust in it. Romans 12:2; Hebrews 4:12; Malachi 3:6
I have a sound mind and perfect peace because I always think on Jesus and His Word. There is no fear within me for His love removes every shred of it. 2 Timothy 1:7; Isaiah 26:3; 1 John 4:18
I choose to think on things that are pure and right. I keep a clean mind. Any thoughts that are not godly get arrested and sent away from me. Philippians 4:8; 2 Corinthians 10:5
Whatever I put my hand to do will prosper. I reach out with a hand and heart of compassion. I am for signs and wonders and will see miracles wherever I go. Deuteronomy 29:9; Mark 1:41; Isaiah 8:18; Mark 16:17, 18
I have clean hands and a pure heart. My hands will bless, bring healing, release God’s anointing, and create masterpieces. Psalms 24:4-6; Luke 6:19; Deuteronomy 28:12; 30:9
Whatever I find my hands to do that is godly, just, and true, I do with all my might. Ecclesiastes 9:10; 1 Chronichles 29:12
My feet take me out to do the Lord’s work. I go out with joy and am led with peace. Proverbs 4:12; Isaiah 55:12
Me feet are beautiful because they take me to bring good news of good things as I go and preach the gospel of peace. Romans 10:15
I trample down the enemy who will be ashes under the soles of my feet. Malachi 4:3
My God makes my feet to stand firmly and make progress on the dangerous heights of testing and trouble. Psalms: 18:33
I possess the Promised Land that Jesus gave to me by marching in and kicking out every enemy that took what belonged to me. Genesis 13:17; Numbers 33:52,53
I step out to do bold, courageous acts of faith that my God has spoken. I run the race and finish the course that is set before me. I will win the prize. Matthew 14:28 29; 1 Corinthians 9:24
Because I walk uprightly in the Lord and continue in His way, I will have His mighty power flow through me all the days of my life. Psalms 37:23; John 8:31,32; Psalms 68:35
I have eyes of faith. Jesus began and will finish my faith. I keep my eyes fixed on Jesus. Hebrews 12:2
My eyes have seen King Jesus high and lifted up and I do worship Him. My eyes were made to see as God sees. Psalms 24
I keep watch in prayer to see and hear what the Lord is doing. As I see I write it down and continue to expect the vision to come. Habakkuk 2:1-3
My ears hear what the Spirit of God is saying and I quickly obey His voice. Proverbs 20:12; Deuteronomy 26:17
I hear God’s voice clearly. I choose to walk in instant obedience and receive success as a result. John 10:3-5, 27, 28
I get very near to my God to hear every word of His law and the whispers of His heart. Psalm 40:8; Psalm 78
I listen to truth and turn my ear away from every evil word. 3 John 1:11
The more I obey every Word of the Lord, the more of His heart he will speak to me. Matthew 6:21; John 15
It is good to hear! My obedience brings me blessing. James 1:25; Matthew 13:43
I have the Word of the Lord in my heart and I speak God’s Word with boldness and power as well as compassion and care. Philippians 1:14; Ephesians 4:15; Proverbs 18:21; Psalms 112:4
I am one who sings songs of deliverance and my King in whom I trust covers me with safety and supplies the abundance of His house to me. Psalms 32:7; Psalms 57:1; Psalms 36:7, 8
I have the tongue of the learned and speak truth. Psalms 45:1; Proverbs 15:2
I sing praise to my God that shuts the devil’s mouth and stops his plans. I put the enemy to flight as the zeal of my God is stirred through my praise. 2 Chronicles 20:22; Psalm 149;Psalm 119:39; Isaiah 42:13
My mouth speaks good and not evil. The words of my mouth will please my God and bless others. Proverbs 8:18; Psalms 19:14
I have the praises of God in my mouth. My God comes and makes His presence real as I give Him praise. 2 Chronicles 5:13, 14
The shout of the King is in the midst of me. As I release the shout the curse is broken. Numbers 23:21
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