Children's Ministry

About Lionheart Children’s Ministry
Since its beginning, Giving Light has had a prophetic mandate for infant and children’s ministry based upon the uncompromised Word of God. We believe that every child is born with a unique calling that only they can fulfill. Our desire is to see them raised up with confidence and security in who they are in Christ and to take personal ownership of their individual purpose.
The meaning of “Lionheart” is extraordinarily courageous. As our kids are brought up in the things of God, our heart is that they will know who they are in Christ with an unshakable faith in the midst of an ever-changing world. They won’t doubt their identity, but know who they are and know who their God is. With this kind of confidence they will shine brightly as world-changers and carriers of God’s presence to be a showy display for the Kingdom of God. Each Sunday, our kids are not just “babysat” or “entertained,” but taught with purpose, intention, and care.
We have also founded Who’s Teaching the Babies?® ministry which offers resources for parents, teachers, and caregivers as well as curriculum for churches looking to start or expand their infant and children’s ministry. Many of the resources found on this page will link you to the WTTB website. We hope you visit often and share with others as we are continually adding content and resources to the WTTB platform.
Be blessed as you continue to raise up young world changers in God!
Building a firm foundation of identity, destiny, purpose, and truth.
Equipping, empowering, and activating in the things of God.
Raising up reformers to transform culture with contagious passion and the light of Jesus.

One-of-a-Kind Infant Ministry
We believe that life begins at conception and is valuable from the start. Because of this, we have developed the specialized nursery curriculum Who’s Teaching the Babies?® With God’s Word being the anchor, we minister identity, purpose, and destiny over each little one. By receiving this truth, it is establishing trust, solidifying worth, and laying the foundation for secure and positive growth as they develop and mature.

Lionheart Children's Ministry Classes
Our purpose is to raise up extraordinary lovers of God to reform their world for God’s Kingdom.
Lionheart Children’s Ministry classes take place at Giving Light every Sunday during our weekly service.

Resources for Parents & Teachers
Our desire is not only to see our babies and children taught the things of God in church, but to equip parents and teachers with tools to make it an everyday lifestyle.
Click here to find our parent blog, free resources as well as a fully stocked store, helps for churches and much more!

Parent Resources
Throughout over 30 years of ministering identity and destiny to children, we have put together many resources and tools to empower and speak truth into precious young lives. Here we have the privilege of being able to offer some of these resources just for YOU to minister life in your very own home.

Teacher Resources
Giving Light was founded with a passion for having a children’s ministry that didn’t just “play games,” but taught children who their God is, who they are in Him, and how to actively live out the absolute truth of God’s word. Through many years of developing lesson plans for our weekly classes, our Children’s Ministry Director compiled a teacher’s curriculum with lesson plans for teaching foundational truths. Here, we are providing these lessons for your use in your own churches and/or homes.

Who’s Teaching the Babies?® was birthed with the heart to see each child firmly established in Biblical truth, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, a personal experience with God’s love, and the knowledge that identity is found only in Christ. Check out these revolutionary products created to establish and affirm a child’s unique identity and purpose.