Ever wonder how you REALLY know if it’s God speaking to you? How do you know it isn’t just your own thoughts or imaginations? Or maybe you thought that you didn’t qualify for God to speak to YOU. In this class, Dr. Melodye Hilton will teach a primer lesson on how to recognize God’s voice in your life. Come and learn how to strengthen your discerner muscles and grow in confidence that HE IS SPEAKING to you! In addition, an opportunity to receive personal prophetic ministry will be available for anyone who desires it.
This class is free and no registration is required. An offering will be presented for any who would like to give. Youth age and up are welcomed! No children’s ministry is provided for this class and we ask that small children do not attend.
Class will be held in the ITC Building at Giving Light (147 Wolf Road, Elizabethville, PA 17023).
Dr. Melodye Hilton works with individuals and workgroups around the globe as a leadership consultant, behavioral analyst, Master CVI Trainer, Certified Axiogenics Partner, and executive coach. Her recognition extends over all ages, socio-economic, and educational backgrounds through her work in corporate and local business, government, and public and private educational sectors.
She and her husband, Steven pioneered Giving Light–a local church and global outreach–in the heart of Central Pennsylvania. 40 years later, they have learned that when you obey God’s leading, “you can reach the world from anywhere.” They continue to see God’s hand at work within the vision to equip all ages to discover their God-given identity and activate their unique personal purpose.
Dr. Melodye served Christian International, founded by Bishop Bill Hamon, for 30 years. Since 2006, she has also served on the faculty of Randy Clark’s, Global Awakening School of Ministry, teaching the second-year prophetic track and presenting her signature leadership training.