About us
Locally, we are a family church where we encourage and celebrate one another in a healthy, safe, and empowering culture. We believe in a message of absolute Truth and brave worship to a God who still speaks, heals, and leads us out of His good and abundant nature.
Globally, our heart is to be an apostolic and prophetic resource center that teaches and empowers you to impact your sphere of influence, to provide solutions to your world, and to spark revival wherever you go.

Children's Ministry
Prophetic Ministry
Community Impact
February 15th
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Kingdom Business Training
Join us for a Kingdom Business Training hosted by Giving Light! Learn the basics of Valuegenic culture development, gain Science-based business strategies, discover ways to increase productivity, connect with like-minded Kingdom leaders, and position your business for transformation over transaction alone.
February 15th
8:00 AM -9:30 AM
Men’s Meeting
Calling all MEN! Join us the third Saturday of every month as we grow deeper in the Lord together. Meet at Giving Light for a short video teaching with discussion. Coffee & donus provided.
February 18th
7:00PM – 8:30PM
Power to Heal Class
You are invited to join us for an 8-week study on the power to heal! Come learn and be equipped to activate God’s healing power in and through your life!
February 23rd
APPROX. 11:45 AM
Prophetic Ministry Available
Our prophetic ministry team is available after service on the last Sunday of each month for anyone who is interested in receiving prophetic prayer ministry.

Resources for You

Devotional Podcast
Short audio devotionals with connected Scriptures, questions, and more.

Online Classes
Learn & grow in life and leadership with one of our online classes taught by top quality teachers.

Godly Decrees
We believe in the power of agreeing with what God says by speaking and declaring His words.