Giving Light
147 Wolf Rd.
Elizabethville, PA 17023
$49/per person
Dr. Melodye Hilton
Host + Speaker
She and her husband, Steven pioneered Giving Light–a local church and global outreach–in the heart of Central Pennsylvania farmland. 35 years later, they have learned that when you obey God’s leading, “you can reach the world from anywhere.” They continue to see God’s hand at work within the vision to equip all ages to discover their God-given identity and activate their unique personal purpose. Dr. Melodye is ordained under the oversight of Christian International, founded by Bishop Bill Hamon. She serves on both the board of directors and board of governors to Christian International. In 2002, she founded International Training Center, which continues to expand with a passion to equip and empower emerging and established leaders.
She is the author of two books, Double Honor: Uprooting Shame in Your Life and Higher Living Leadership: Influence Societal Design and an Instrument of Justice. The latter being available in both marketplace and Biblical editions as well as in Spanish.
Dr. Melodye travels nationally and internationally ministering, training, consulting, and coaching. She has two grown children and three active grandchildren.
Elizabeth Tiam-Fook
Host + Speaker
Elizabeth graduated from Brownsville Revival School of Ministry in Pensacola, Florida with a heart to see the nations transform through the Word of God and the Voice of God.
She resides in the panhandle of Florida.
5PM – 6PM Registration
6PM – 7PM Worship with BRAVE MUSIC
7PM – 9PM Session One with Dr. Melodye Hilton
9AM – 9:45AM Young Leaders Panel with Elizabeth Tiam-Fook
9:45AM – 10AM Break
10AM – 11:30AM Session Two with Dr. Melodye Hilton
11:30AM – 11:45AM Break
11:45AM – 1PM Session Three with Dr. Melodye Hilton
1:30PM All are welcome to join us for a family meal at a local restaurant.