Fear Is Not My Master – Katie Stansfield

John 10:10
The truth is that there is no power or force that exists that is stronger or higher than God. As God’s sons and daughters, He commands us to put Him first in our lives. This is not because He is an egotistical God who needs the recognition of being number one. No! It is rather so that when we look at our own lives—our identity, purpose, and value—we see first and most a true reflection of who we are—made in the image and likeness of a powerful God.
1 John 4:17-19
Fear’s goal is to get you to believe that something, anything is bigger than God. When this happens, we don’t have a clear view of our true selves and the enemy’s mission of keeping us from abundant life is accomplished. Since we know that God has not made us fearful but instead full of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7), fear is not welcomed in our culture or in our lives.
You can listen to the full message, “Fear is Not My Master” below.
In addition, here are some tools to use against fear as you claim your abundant life in God.
Be brave,
Tools to use against fear:
1. Rehearse the bigness of God.
“God, you created the heavens and the earth. You heal the sick and raise the dead. Angels hearken to the sound of your word. You parted seas and stopped rain. You created me in Your image and likeness. You formed me in my mother’s womb and called me out for signs and wonders.”
Rehearsing the bigness of God like this reminds you of your identity in God and transforms your state of mind into an environment where fear can’t stay. Whenever I’m struggling to connect with faith, I start telling God how big He is. In the process I begin to see my own reflection as full of power, love, and a sound mind. There is nothing more terrifying to fear than a person who knows their true identity in God.
2. Let the light shine in.
1 John 1:5 says that, “In Him is light and there is no darkness at all.” Faith can appear dangerous and fear can appear safe. Ask God to shine a light on areas where you have viewed fear as bigger than God.
When we understand where we have believed a lie and choose to walk in faith instead, the light will flood in and the darkness will be overcome. When you recognize an area of fear in your life, give it to God, ask for forgiveness for seeing fear as bigger than Him, and ask Him what He wants to give you in exchange for fear in your life. Maybe its a strategy, maybe its peace, maybe its wisdom. Whatever it is, we can trust that it will be good.
3. Face the facts with faith
When you are faced with a fact that would invoke fear within you (e.g. an unexpected bill, a diagnoses, a news report), ask God how He views the situation. When we make God the biggest thing in the room, fear loses its power as it has to submit to the more powerful authority in our presence.
4. Give Holy Spirit some muscle.
Something that I have done is imagined the Holy Spirit within me as a strong, muscular person. Whenever I feel myself slipping into fear or feeling weak to fight against it, I call upon the Holy Spirit who is far more powerful than I am. Suddenly, the “enemy” that I was facing doesn’t seem so scary in the light of a powerful God within me.
5. Have people in your life who promote faith over fear.
If you are faced with fear every time you pay your bills, when that time comes, invite a faith-filled friend to come sit with you. Every time you pay a bill ask that friend to remind of you of a time when God came through for you in the past, or a time in the Bible when God showed Himself as provider.
Having those in your life who you can call to support you in promoting faith in your life is a major win in the battle against fear. Fear will cause you to want to hide or seclude yourself. Don’t give it that power over you. Instead, when you feel petrified to let someone else into your reality, pick up the phone and show fear who’s boss.
6. Make your words powerful.
Declare this over and over again until it becomes second nature to proclaim: Fear is not my master. I will live by faith.